Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My First Rude "Twin" Comment

It was bound to happen.

People say the stupidest things, why should I be saved from the wrath of their stupidity in a supposed moment of joy for me?

I ran into my neighbor in the hallway of the apartment. She is a somewhat older woman (late 50's, early 60's) who likes to dress like she's 30 and always has different men over "helping" her with home repairs. Mmhmmm.

However, she's usually very pleasant to chat with and always has nice things for Emma and doesn't REALLY complain too much of the noise my little angel can make. Especially when she karate kicks the doors open and screams, "Emma!". Hilarious, note to self: catch this on video!

So, back to the comment... I had only been home a few days, so hadn't really seen her too much. So when she asked me how I was, I told her I was tired and then said, "you know I'm pregnant, right?". To which she replied, "Oh yes, I can SEE", as she points to my belly. Um, okay, that's not very polite, but I figure she's German and learned long ago to re-evaluate my politeness meter to include Germans.

THEN I said, "It's twins". I saw her face turn to horror, as if I had just said that I was giving birth to SAW IIV, and she said (NOW SWITCHING TO ENGLISH!), "How horrible, I am so sorry". It really took me off guard and I had to think how to respond to that. What SHOULD I say to that???? But she took the pressure off of me by continuing on her tyraid of words like, "horrible, awful, sorry, when are you moving??". I told Christian it was like a machine gun of word vomit being fired at me.

I was on my way to work, so I VERY POLITELY just said (IN GERMAN), that "well, we'll see how it turns out and that since Emma was such an easy baby I have high hopes for the twins, too". She looked at me like I was crazy, I looked at her like she was a witch. And I continued on my path.

Can you believe it??????? I swear, I felt like it was a strange episode of German television.

Do you know that the German version of America's Next Top Model (appropriately changed to GERMAN's NTM) is hosted by Heidi Klum here? Oh yes, and when it comes to the end where they tell the girls if they stay or go, over HALF of them are told they are leaving! Yes, half! They cry, they say their goodbyes, they begin their walk of shame out of the hall when Heidi says something stupid like, "Just kidding! Did you think we were really kicking you out?". Um, yes Heidi, she did. Because you TOLD her you were. It's like this awful sense of humor that purports to be reality makes you feel inferior. Ugh. Another German charm.

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