Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Ich habe abgestillt! - translation: I weaned!!!

Sorry, I had to write it in German because it's all I've been talking about lately and since I speak so often in Germany, I thought I would share it here too!

Sidenote: Can you believe I had a dream in German the other night?? And I only remembered it later because I talked to the person I was talking to in my dream, and then looked back on the dream and thought, "Hmmm, I can't believe I didn't think it was weird that I was dreaming in German!". How strange I am...

So, I am officially done being a cow - as my thinksheissodamnfunny husband puts it. In the height of it all I was pumping over 1.5 liters a day. It was extremely difficult though. Pumping 7-8 times a day while caring for twins - alone. In the end, I'm glad I fought through it, but now that it's over I truly can't see where I had the time!! I'm only a week and a half out and already it's overwhelming the time I have - of course only to be spent cleaning, doing laundry, changing poopier diapers and holding crying babies! :)

You would think in this nature-loving Germany that they would recommend you breastfeed your child until 2 or so. But not so! Here, they actually only recommend BFing until 4 months, and then starting with brei (rice or oat cereal). I thought that was a bit early. I had a student who worked for WHO (World Health Organization) and I found her to be quite informed on alot of childrens health subjects, and she told me WHO recommended to BF until 2 years old.
Interesting that German Doctors don't recommend the same - or even just a bit longer than 4 months. I remember when Emma was 15 months and we were in a playgroup and she came to me and wanted to drink, the other mother's eyes about popped out and the Group Leader asked me pointedly how old she was. I felt very judged, but didn't give one s&%t - I sat Emma down and cuddled the hell out of her while she drank. Emma was early with EVERYTHING. Speaking, walking, jumping off tall buildings - and never once sick during the time she was breastfed! I was fine with every minute of it - kinda miss is, actually :(

I breastfed Emma until 18 months and was disappointed it wouldn't work so well with the twins. I definitely know some twin mothers who it works wonderfully until they're well over the age of 1. But for me, for my sanity, and for my body who in the end was fighting a losing battle between sleep/health/milk production...the time is over.

It's the same as any person with their child: I did the best for my kid(s) with what I had, and with what my limitations were (are!). So, now it begins another chapter: learning about formula!! So far, I'm pretty clumsy at it. We're still working out the kinks, but it's going fine.

And even better, I can eat SUSHI again, and fresh unpasturized cheese - which are definitely a great part about Europe! And I can drinkdrinkdrinkdrink red wine and martinis and anything else I want again. Oh Lordy, now if we could only get a babysitter for these 3 kids o' mine!!

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