Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What do you do all day?

I get asked this question almost daily. If not from friends and family, from total strangers on the street. Part of me finds it amusing because the answer should be quite simple to them.

But I think to some with only one baby they wonder how you can handle (survive!) with two; so they ask. And my answer?

DUH! I take care of babies!

And what do babies need??? Attention, food, clean diapers, and sleep. Not necessarily in that order. The only difference is that I do it twice as much. And try to do one (i.e., getting a baby to sleep, or feeding one) while entertaining, or quieting, or running away from the other one.

Oh, and I pump milk, clean the house, do the laundry for FIVE PEOPLE, and cook. If I do say so myself, I'm pretty amazing! :)

I read something recently which caught my eye while reading about sleeping & twins (because it's a CHALLENGE to get two babies in either ALMOST the same time, or totally OPPOSITE times to sleep!). It read, "He never gives you more than you can handle, I just didn't know I was this strong". Truer words were never spoken (written!) before. I take every day/hour/minute as it comes and know that when it's the worst and I'm just imagining how horrible my life is....the calm comes with the next minute and I think, "Ok, I can do this". My life is a tornado right now, but I just have to believe that I can do it...I AM doing it, and it will get better.

Of course Emma adds triple work. The kid has energy to spare. I love it when people tell me, "take her to the playground to tire her out". Um, HILARIOUS. Anyone who says that doesn't know my kid. They should say, "Take her on the Ironman and then maybe she'll go to sleep ON TIME".

But she is so *AMAZING* with the babies I can't really say one bad thing about her. Maybe that she loves them TOO MUCH, but hell...I'd rather have it that way than the opposite. She helps as much as she can and actually does very well being quiet when we are putting the babies down at 7pm to sleep. I'm so proud of her as MY baby, and a big sister to Henry & Romy.

The truth is that I (and Christian because he is a BIG help when he's here!) am exhausted when I wake up. Sometimes the day ahead of me is so daunting I would rather just be somewhere else.

But I can't. I'm here. This is my life. So I try to look at the positives - like a year to be at home with them, and minimize the negatives - did you know twins means 2???

And somehow, someway, in the immortal words of Donna Summer: WE WILL SURVIVE.

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