Friday, August 26, 2011


One of the best things about being home with the babies, is actually knowing so many other women with babies themselves. Either from my own (small!) circle of friends, or through the Krabbelgruppe (play groups) I'm apart of!

Even if we're only going to someone's house with one other baby; with my two we are instantly our own playgroup! haha, that's one advantage of twins, I suppose.

Perhaps you remember my friend I wrote about previously here. I'm so happy to report that she has a new addition to her family: Jonas Hendrik was born about 1.5 months ago, and has been loved incessantly everyday thusfar! My friend Sandra was instrumental in getting me through the first few weeks with Henry & Romy, even when she was 8 months pregnant, she was STILL willing to grab a crying baby and hold him (it was ALWAYS "him") as long as it took to calm him down.

We live right down the street from each other, so we see each other often. Like yesterday when I dropped by for a few hours and we cooked, drank coffee & ate cake, and watched our babes have fun together. These experiences are so wonderful, and almost as good for me as for the babies!

So here are our makeshift trio, enjoying some fun times together:

That's Mr. Jonas in the middle!

Here's my kid stealing her kid's pacifier!!
Bad Romy!!

It's great to have good friends, and even better that my kids can start their friendships so early. I know firsthand how important it is to have good, healthy, and longlasting friends. I'm lucky enough to have a few of those, and I hope all my children will be able to say the same thing someday!

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