Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Finally...a vacation!

It seems like a lifetime since we were away from Frankfurt. Although I know it was around January we returned from our 2 month holiday in the States, it definitely doesn´t feel like it...and the word itself "holiday" has definitely taken on a new meaning.

However, we are packing our bags again and headed to France! Its only for 8 days, and its with the In-laws, but I am sure that we will relax there a bit. I think we really need the break from this difficult routine we have been dumped into. And while the Grandparents (my father included!) have made it clear they DO NOT change diapers...they don´t mind to hold her or play with her. This, in itself, will be a break. I am excited about the prospect of *gasp* reading a book, and *double gasp* taking a nap during the day! Yes, this is how I will spend my vacation. Of course the good thing about France in the summer is all the wonderful Flea Markets in the countryside. The items they have are amazing, and so cheap! In Paris, the Flea markets are so well known (although, I never really found anything there soooo good, and it was all over-priced because of its notoriety), but in the countryside, its only the locals that go there...and us! So it will definitely be a highlight of the trip!

Of course I am still breastfeeding, so I can´t shake her for too long. I swear, she can pull my boob out of my shirt faster than I can unhook my bra!

So, I bid you a fond farewell....or as the natives say, Au Revoir!!
See you in mid-August with some photos of our vacation!

Monday, July 19, 2010

A fine way to waste a day

Despite the previuous posts about the horrible weather we were having, I can now report the sun is shining! And its shining at a rate of over 100 degrees each day! Its like we live on the sun its so hot...and then add the humidity...forgetaboutit. Mehh, I digress...

Luckily, we pay high enough taxes here (48%) that the State funds alot of activities for kids. This includes a 3 week long Kids Festival that happens every July along the Maine River here.

There is something for everyone of all ages.
Of course we stuck to the 0-3 year old offers.

We took turns forcing ourselves to go on this with her.
It made both of us sick, but she LOVED every minute.

As soon as she saw this, she jumped in.
Unfortunately, this was after Mama remembered she didn´t have extra clothes.

It is organized quite beautifully. It is ran by volunteers of all ages (although I think they are at least 17). There is face painting, obstacle courses, slides, carousels, the wading pool, and even an art center. Movie theaters donate their old movie posters and thats what the kids use to paint on. I think its really a genius move, and environmentally thoughtful! To top it all off, its FREE!!!

It truly is a great way to spend an afternoon with your little one, especially since all of our playgroups and gymnastic classes are on a Summer Break.

Of course there is bratwursts and beer, like any true german event. Danke!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


We lost.


The only good part about Germany not winning was that we didn´t have the celebrations of victory (horn honking, vuvuzelas, shouting), that normally happen after a win, to wake Emma as she slept.

Tut mir leid, Deutschland!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

World Cup Mania

Have you been watching?

So far it has been pretty lackluster aside from the drama filled Ghana vs. Uraguay game. I really thought Ghana would win. But all the red and yellow cards, and the final minute goals were still a treat to watch!

Alas, tonight is the half-finals with Germany and Spain. Germany has a really great team, as usual, but they definitely have a chance of taking this all the way. Whoever wins tonight will play Netherlands on Sunday in the Finale.

Emma has even learned to headbutt by watching so much fußball...just ask the bruises on Christian´s head!!

Here are the 2 big fans during the Germany-Argentina game. 4-0 BTW. justsayin.