Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My little Characters

Romy Jeane

Reminds me so much of "early" Emma,
Looks just like Christian & Hajo,
and is working hard to catch up to her brother's weight class,
makes the funniest faces with her mouth & tongue

Henry James:

Is a BABY baby, do you know what I mean?
Wants food IMMEDIATELY upon opening his eyes or all hell breaks loose,
needs to grow into his oversized eyeballs,
is affectionately called the "Starer" in German because of said eyeballs,
makes the funniest faces with his eyes and forehead all squished up!

The best part of babies is imagining who they will turn into. I find it so amusing to compile these superficial glances and actions into my memory and compare it someday to who they will be.

My night in pictures

The days are long, there's no getting around that.
But then Christian and Emma come home around 5:00 and I have help from him, and some fun with my cutie Emma. She loves the babies, so there's no jealousy when we're holding them, and she also loves getting her little paws on them!

However, she usually comes home from pre-school full of sand (yuck) and wanting to go in the garden and color on the sidewalk with chalk (yuck), so after dinner it's time for her to get sparkling clean (which usually only lasts for about 5 minutes!) before bed.

We started bathing the babies with her in an effort to conserve time (and water) - and she loves it! She helps with soaping them up and washing their hair - sometimes a bit too vigourously but nonetheless helpful.

Then we can all enjoy some quiet, much needed family time together, before Emma runs off to change her own diaper and does this...

...thank you Emma, and good night.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

20 lbs of cuteness!

Just try to look at miss amaya and not smile...I dare you!

Here is my cute, not so little neice Amaya. 5 months old and ready to conquer the world one bottle at a time!

My brother lovingly refers to her as "Tank"...will it leave permanent scars when she's older??

enjoy the cuteness!

xoxo - amaya

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Vanilla Bean Dream

So, I finally got to test my new ice cream machine!

Results...YUM! It was so easy to make: milk, cream and flavor.

Milk, Condensed Milk, and Vanilla Bean & Extract...that's it!

Rockin' & Rollin'!

20 minutes later I had a yummy, creamy deliciousness delivered to me via this baby! I've had fun since experimenting with other flavors, but the milk & cream base is always the same.

It's such an easy, and great treat to make since I know exactly what's going into the ice cream - no preservatives or coloring or any crap like that. I highly recommend you getting one if you're looking for easy desserts & sorbets!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hello, Opa Randy!

Translation: (obviously) "hello opa randy!" "where are you?", "i'm calling you!"

The kid is cute, what can I say.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One Month Old!

Posting this is actually a little late, they turned one month on May 7th...but I just have too much s&%t to do everyday! The pictures WERE taken on their actual month-day, just not sent or posted until now! :)

Romy: 8.5 pounds and grew another inch! She is as independant as a newborn can be, has a stubborn streak just like Emma, and makes the most adorable "cooing" noises out of nowhere!
Henry: 10.5 pounds, still a slow eater but wants the food the MOMENT he opens his eyes from sleeping! He works himself up for a cry for about a half minute...it's hilarious, I have to catch it on film. Very much a needy baby, likes to be held ALL.THE.TIME! It's really tasking on my back because somedays I'll have to wear him almost the whole day just to get things done without him crying/whining. This is my first boy, so I'm not sure if they're all like that (only because I see so many similarities between Emma & Romy), but he's very much the "baby" of the bunch. Good luck, lazy boy!

They sleep OK right now (for newborns, good I guess!). They wake in the night every 4 hours to eat. If one wakes, we wake the other up to keep them on the same schedule. They obviously eat ok, and they both have tried to roll over - unsuccessfully of course. During the day, it totally varies. Somedays they'll sleep, otherdays they'll just fuss and I have to be out for hours walking them. :(

It's really hard right now because I pump almost 7-8 times a day, and it makes it difficult when they're being fussy to get it done. Sometimes they have to get formula because I was unable to pump, or unable to pump enough for 2. But they're mostly about 90% breastmilk fed babies, which gives me a sense of accomplishment. My long term goal would be 6 months because I just don't think I WANT to go longer. It's so tasking to pump, and really takes away from my enjoyment with them and Emma. Short term goal is 3 months...we'll see which one I get to first!

Emma is AMAZING with them, and I couldn't be more proud of her. I hope it continues and I can get her to change diapers soon! Woo hoo, this kid thing would REALLY pay off then!

Everybody was KUNG-FU fighting!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Great...just great.

updated 5/10/2011 8:42:00 PM ET

Having two babies at a time is associated with a longer life, according to a new study. But that's not because doubling up on dirty diapers increases life span; instead, moms of twins are physically stronger in the first place.

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One catch: The research, published today in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, focused on a "natural fertility" population of women in 1800s Utah, so the results may not apply in today's in vitro fertilization (IVF) world.

However, the findings do suggest that rather than being a reproductive accident that drains mom of energy and nutrients, twins could be an evolutionary adaption in which healthy moms take the chance to pass on double their genes at once.

"We expected the exact opposite," study researcher Shannen Robson of the University of Utah told LiveScience. "We expected that since most humans have one baby at a time, having two would be really burdensome … [Twins] are an identifier of these women who are remarkable, physically exceptional people."

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Natural fertility
Identical twins, created when one embryo splits into two during development, appear more or less at random. But fraternal twins, who develop from two separate eggs released and fertilized at the same time, show some patterns of both heritability — they run in families — and environmental influence. Not including twins conceived from IVF, twins account for 6 out of every 1,000 births in Asia, 10 to 20 out of every 1,000 births in the U.S. and Europe, and 40 out of every 1,000 births in Africa.

To look at twinning before reproductive technology and reliable birth control, the team used the Utah Population Database, an enormous genealogical record of Utah residents dating back to the early 1800s. From the database, they pulled family records of women who were born between 1807 and 1899 and who lived to be at least 50, so they experienced their full range of reproductive years. They excluded widows and wives in polygamous families to ensure they were comparing similar women. [ The History and Future of Birth Control ]

The result was a database of 58,786 women, 4,603 of whom had at least one set of twins. The researchers compared the moms of twins with the moms of singletons, looking for differences in life span, number of children, time between pregnancies and length of fertility, all measures of health.

Double the fun
Flying in the face of the assumption that a double pregnancy would sap a woman's strength, the researchers found that moms of twins beat moms of only singletons on every measure. They lived longer, had longer reproductive life spans, needed less time to recover between pregnancies, and had more children overall. The moms of twins born before 1870 had on average 1.9 more children than moms of singletons in their age group, and the moms in the post-1870 group each had 2.3 kids more than their singleton mom counterparts.

Because twins have a higher likelihood of death than singletons, the researchers adjusted that finding by infant mortality, assuming that a mom of twins might have more babies faster after a child died. After that adjustment, moms of twins still came out ahead, having 1.24 to 1.56 more babies than singleton-only moms. That exceeds the "plus one" effect you get from having twins, Robson said.

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The results didn't differ as time went by, even though pioneer women in pre-1870s Utah had worse medical care than women born later. It's hard to compare the 1800s data to today, however, Robson said. IVF has increased the number of twins born. And other factors have changed as well: women have fewer pregnancies overall now than 1800s women in Utah, so their overall chances of having a spontaneous twin pregnancy are lower. One 2001 study of women in rural Gambia, however, did find that mothers of twins had better reproductive health than mothers of only singletons. [Read: 5 Myths of Fertility Treatments ]

Robson and her colleagues now hope to look at the Utah women's twins, to see how they fared given the fact that twins are more likely to be premature and have health problems. They also hope to take a closer look at the supermoms who birth twins.

"By identifying them, we can then look at other aspects of what it is about them that makes them more healthy, live longer and have babies at a faster rate than everyone else in the population," Robson said.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mom of 3 * Happy Mother's Day to me!

Well, we survived the first month! But I must admit we had major help from both Christian's and my Dad. Who knows how we would've done it otherwise. Alas, they are gone now and we are fending for ourselves!

Mother's Day is a nice day to look back at your own childhood, and for me to reflect on the one I want for my children. I try everyday to make it the best day filled with love, support, nurturing, and yes, discipline ( only for Emma, the Twins have a few weeks!). Somedays I fall short, and somedays I surpass my goals. I focus on the fact that parenting doesn't come with a guidebook (outside of the huge selection at amazon, I mean!), and just like my parents did...I will give the best I can give each day for the kids, and move on to the next day.

Of course its also a reminder of my own Mom. It still hurts, but I have her alive here and living on my walls and in my stories to Emma.

So here's to all my Mother Friends, and to the girls who nurture people everyday...
I truly believe that it takes a village to raise a child. No man is an island!

Here you can see Emma learning how to be a mama to the twins...she is so sweet with them...that, in and of itself tells me I'm doing something right!

Monday, May 2, 2011

We roll mad deep, yo!

We finally broke down and bought a car.

With 5 people it just made more sense.

But to find a car (in Europe) that fits five - 3 in car seats - was not so easy...

My crack ass Mr. did a good job, though! So now we can ride to the supermarket and carry back our 200 pack pampers, and 48 rolls of toilet paper easily! Plus rides to France and other surrounding fun places won't be so bad!


Volkswagen Caddy Maxi Life 1.9 Tdi 104ps

VW Caddy Life