Thursday, March 31, 2011


Anyone who doesn't get that Karate kid reference, please leave my blog immediately! ;)

Actually, my Sensai swept the membranes.


The Dr. tried to manually do something to hurry this labor along today at the hospital. She told me the last time she did it the person delivered within 24 hours. I'm still waiting on a call back from her to find out if my tears worked and if they will induce me on Monday.

Oh yes, the tears made an appearance today at my appointment. Aside from the fact that I've taken to sleeping sitting upright due to this horrible heartburn that wakes me up with a mouth full of acid, and that I only slept 3 hours last night; I walked outside today to discover that someone stole my bike. So now, I can officially say that I am no longer riding my bicycle...due in no part to my own actions. How crappy is that? If this person only knew the story behind the bicycle!!! That it was my ONLY means of transportation due to this ginormous belly, and how I loved still being able to have wind in my hair for a few minutes during the day. I swear, they'd better not hope I see them riding around. I'll kick them off of that bike faster than they can say, "Neinnnnnn!!!!".

It's been a week of bad news and no movement on the labor front. My darling friend, I have nothing to complain about since I heard your news. My lack of labor and (now) missing bike pale in comparison. My heart is with you and your family as you deal with this new discovery. I can't wait until we're together again to play with our 3 kids (each!). Hopefully, they can have their own coffee cans someday...I love you.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Since I have no plans right now...

In an effort to keep my mind off these two 16 year olds inside of me who are already in their rebellious stage, I started planning Emma's 2nd Birthday Party. I can only imagine how many diapers and crying fits I'll be in the throes of when her actual birthday comes creeping up on me next month; so I thought I'd take the time now (while I have it!) and pre-plan whatever I can so that it just "falls into place".

Nice plan, eh? Yeah, I'm not naive. Basically I want to get some things done that I can so that I can throw this thing into action on the 23rd.

I decided on a Fiesta theme, why? I don't really know. Perhaps because I'm always CRAVING mexican food since there's absolutely NONE here...either way, it will be fun. I'm going to make a pinata and Emma & Co. will whack it open with a pink, little bat given to her by Uncle Sam & Tia Mari. So, to grab up the candy & other little favors I'll have there, I made these...

I always have scraps leftover from various projects that just sit there, this was a great way to use them up! Plus, I think kids (or should I say Parents) can never have too many of these little bags to tidy up small toys that can easily get lost amongst the others. So double-purpose!!

I'm so excited because my Dad will be coming out for Emma's party. Last year he missed it by 2 weeks and I know he was really disappointed. Which also means he'll be out here for Easter (the day AFTER her Birthday Party!), and our planned Easter Egg hunt! It will be Emma's first, and I'm joining up with my NY friend to plan some fun for the kids in the backyard.

Do you think I'm crazy to plan these things when the twins won't even be one month old yet?? Hell, that's if they show up anytime soon!! Oh well.

So this was how I kept busy today - Wednesday - as we move out of MARCH and into APRIL and we await the birth of our first set of twins, and the last of our children. Tomorrow I go to the Hospital again for the regular check and BEG them to induce me, which I have been told will fall on deaf ears. And then on Friday back to my Dr. who will, I'm sure, tell me once again, "This weekend is IT - I'm sure of it!"

Oh yeah? F You, lady!

Monday, March 28, 2011

How much longer can this go on?

It's Monday.

I'm still pregnant.

Just had more acupuncture.

Ready for this waiting game to be over.

38 weeks and 3 days pregnant...with twins...I think I win an award or something. I've become a bit legendary around our neighborhood & playground. Christian always takes Emme there and all the moms we know (and some who just know "of" us!) come up to him and ask, "Has she delivered yet??".

I can't wait until he can finally say, "Yes".

Kill me.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The light at the end of the tunnel

Perhaps this is REALLY it...

Yesterday I was at the hospital for a regular ultrasound/CTG and today I was at my Doctor's office and later my Midwife came over. Everyone seems to really feel THIS should be THE weekend!

I am 2cm dilated and the girl is pushing down good. Even the bad boy cooperated a bit and is now head down! Which takes away alot of anxiety for me from this "reach up and pull him out" method they told me they would use.

My Midwife gave me a cervical massage with clove oil, which is just about as unpleasant as it sounds. Imagine how clove oil smells, now imagine getting it in your eye or some other "sensitive" spot...then imagine a gloved "massage". Um, yeah. It was that good. I've definitely learned not to use the word "pain", or "hurt" out of context anymore since Emma's lovely birth; however this came damn close to those words, but I just considered it preparation for the (hopefully) impending delivery.

In other news...

My Brest Friend Twin Nursing Pillow

... my new breast-feeding pillow arrived!! It looks like a beast...but I think I will need some oommph with this process, so let's hope it helps!

Wish me luck, everyone!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Slam a needle in me, I'm done!

I'm so desperate for this to be over, and so uncomfortable that I will try anything! My Midwife just left the house after performing acupuncture on me.

She, too, was surprised that I've been able to carry the Twins this long. I told her about the surrogate comment from my Doctor and she wholeheartedly agreed. As wonderful as I think that is, I would never in a million years go through this again!

I meant to take a photo of my legs, ankles, and pinkie toes that had tiny needles jutting out of them, but I didn't put the camera near me and forgot about it while we were talking. I also had one at the tippie top of my head! Hopefully something will come of it...

She comes back Friday (IF nothing does happen before) to give me a cervical massage with clove oil. Um, you can count on definitely NOT having any photos from that session! :)

Please pray to the Contraction Gods for me...38 weeks is starring me in the face and I just can't imagine this much longer!

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Belly Post!

Finally, what you've all been waiting for...a belly shot!

I'm sure you can't see the Exorcist like Fingers, Knees & Toes jutting out at certain parts, but they're there!

I'm so ready for this to be over...or begin...however you'd like to say it.

My Dr. said (on Friday) that I should expect them to be here by Monday (today). I don't know if she's a sham Dr., or just really bad at predicting things. But I do believe they should be here sometime this week. There's just NO MORE ROOM for them in my belly!

Enjoy & send all your good energy my way, please!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Killing Time n' Stuff

Hi, it's me!
Still pregnant.
Very much uncomfortable.
Ready for this ish to begin!

Here's a graphic at how the babies are lying:

transverse/vertex twins

My next Dr. appointment is on Friday. We'll see if things have changed then, or if I even make it there. The countdown to me having them on my birthday has begun. 2 more days.
What do you think?? Am I gonna have to share my cake?? Boo.

Also, my Belly Bandit just arrived! Have you heard of this? It's basically a gurtel to keep your guts sucked in. One of the Kardashians made it kinda popular, and my NY friend here told me to get one. After Emma's birth I definitely had a second, "top" stomach (after delivering all 9.4lbs of her!) that never really went away. I can only imagine what kind of "twin stomach" I'll have after this delivery and want any and all help in getting rid of it.

I gained a total of 26 lbs with Emma's pregnancy, and kept 15 lbs of it (thanks for nothing 18 months of Nursing!), and thus far have only gained 8.5 lbs with this twin pregnancy! But if you add it to the 15 I kept then it's a total of 23.5. The babies themselves weigh about 12, so I'm hoping I will have an easier time getting this weight off. Yeah, wish me luck on that fantasy! I asked around at my Baby Club online forum about having better luck the 2nd time around with nursing and losing weight - the answers were NOT at all positive. So I figure it's gonna be gym time (somehow - don't ask HOW) and focus to get my body back to it's normal Bootylicious self!

I've also started to obsess about the babies not having hair. I'm so used to full head o' hair babies that I don't know what I'll do with a baldie!!

Oh well, one more thing I have no control over...or do I???

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Baby & Apartment Updates

First, the babies:
We went to the Hospital yesterday to pre-register and to have another ultrasound/CTG. Speaking honestly, I don't really like this hospital. It's a University Hospital which means there are tons of Med Students who do the work and "confirm" with their Head Dr. their diagnosis. Um, can't I just have a REAL Dr.?? I stayed at this Hospital when I had the kidney infection and just didn't have the best feeling.


Supposedly this is the best hospital for Twin Delivery with both babies NOT being head down. As usual, my little girl is all ready for delivery, head down and awaiting the day. Mr. Bullheaded is laying transverse (sideways) at the top of my stomach.

Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely do not want a C-Section. I'm not scared about the surgery, it's the recovery and caring for twins and a toddler meanwhile that scares me. I've heard it's painful to even sit up in bed, how could I be able to do ANYTHING for newborns if that is a pain??

My midwife (who is paid for by the insurance here - Yeah Social Medicine!), and all Dr.'s have assured me that a natural birth is still possible even with a transverse baby. Especially because the girl is lying head down, there will be plenty of room for him to move once she's out. My worst fear is delivering her naturally, and then having to have a C-Section with him.

So yesterday, I asked again about this at the Hospital. After the Dr. answered, Christian had to tell me to close my mouth. Seriously. I have NEVER heard of anything like this before:
She told me the same (about after the girl, the boy has more room to move), and that they will try tricks to move him head down if he doesn't automatically go. But that in the end, they can always REACH UP INTO ME AND PULL HIM OUT FEET FIRST. (insert jaw dropping moment here). Have you ever heard of this? I'm looking on the internet and don't see any information about this. I'm wondering if this is a cruel, German trick. YOU NEVER KNOW!

So, as I enter week 36: waking 8-9 times a night, having to sit arms length away from tables because of my belly, FINDING MY FIRST STRETCH MARKS, having heartburn, unable to walk or stand comfortably, now I have this to think about. Lord, help me...

Now onto the apartment: We had some friends over for brunch last weekend and afterwords had a moving party. We are now 90% complete and ready for the twins. The apartment still isn't decorated to how I totally like it, but I just don't have the strength to do that now.

PLUS, I told you that we were going to look at an apartment...well, the apartment was nicer than we thought. HUGE, bright rooms, overlooking the Maine River and the Frankfurt Skyline with beautiful old churches and skyscrapers - such a great dichotomy! Of course there are still negative points: it's louder over there, underneath us would be an Ethiopian Restaurants (so it's back to the city way like our first apartment where there are retail shops on the ground level), it's on the 4th floor with no elevator, AND there are 3 college PARTYING students above that party until 5:30 quite often. It was nice of the lady to be honest and tell us that, she says that she has had several conversations with them and that they have started to become quieter - or at least notify them when they're planning a party! But that they are an inconvenience when you have small children. And of course we would lose our backyard garden which is a MIRACLE to have here in Frankfurt. I was just getting excited thinking about Emma on a slip and slide this summer, to think that we wouldn't be able to do that would be really sad...

So, again we are torn. There are so many changes happening that I just need to focus on getting these babies out first.

That's all, folks! Hope you enjoyed my catch-up...any advice on the birth or apartments would be much appreciated!!

Happy early Birthday to ME!!

I'm so excited!! I have been wanting an ice cream maker for the longest time! Ice cream is such a huge part of German culture - although I find it strange that they continually eat ice cream in Winter!! During the warmer month (notice it's not plural!), you can find EisCafes all over the city, and they make the most beautifully presented ice cream sundaes in the world! It's almost as much about the presentation as it is about the flavors!

So. because I'm hugely pregnant...because I might actually have to share my birthday with them...and because I literally BEGGED for months, here is my early Birthday Present:

Eismaschine GVS 241 Gefrierbehälter 16 Liter Fassungsvermögen

I'm super excited to try so many flavors: Strawberries & Cream, Lemon Verbena, Melon Sorbet, Basil & Mint...and my favorite: Rose Ice Cream! It's one of the reasons I go to France every year...for their deliciously and delightful Rose Ice Cream!! I have yet to find it here, and have never heard of it in the U.S., people say that it's popular in France due to the heavy Arabic influence...Lara, Crissi, is this true?? Either way, it's completely yummy! I'll let you know how it turns out the first time I make it.

Happy Birthday, to me!

p.s. In the most adorable coincidence in the planet, Emma just learned to sing "Happy Birthday" last week in her pre-school. I swear she sounds like an old man when she sings it, it's so funny to hear her speak all in English because I'm so used to her little German voice! I will post a video of it as soon as she lets me!

Friday, March 4, 2011

35 weeks Pregnant

So another day, another day pregnant.

Ugh, I'm so tired.

I went to the Doctor's today, and while doing her routine ultrasound she saw what I typically FEEL everyday, which is my stomach being twisted into the playground of 2 devils. From the top right side, (what we later learned was) a KNEE jutted out, and then the lower left side the same silhouette appeared. She quickly looked with the ultrasound wand (what do you call this??) and they were pushing each other in a way that made both of their knees pop out!! It was crazy to see on the monitor what I feel throughout most days.

She says if I can keep them in 2 more weeks it would be optimal. Do you know what that means?? They will come on MY birthday! I don't want to share my cake!!! WAAAAA! I swear I will hold my legs together so tight if they try that stunt!

I am still riding my bike, I know, I know, everyone wants video. I'll get it for you. I am still without any photographic evidence that I'm pregnant. Thank you, Christian.

I have some occasional heartburn with this pregnancy that started a few weeks ago. I remember Crissi and Mari asking me if I had it with Emma (never did), due to the Old Wives Tale that says heartburn means a full head of hair at birth. It turned out true for them, so maybe my body is working overtime to produce 2 full heads of hair. I swear I don't know what I'll do if I have bald children! I don't even have little baby hats because she had so much hair she never needed the extra warmth! Oh well.

Anyways, that's what's happening over here. We're going to look at an apartment tonight, it's much bigger than ours, but we would be losing alot of pluses from this apartment too that we're not sure we're willing to sacrifice.

Wish us luck.