Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas - I'm out (for a while)!

Happy Holidays * Froehe Weinachten * Feliz Navidad * Bonnes Fete
Happy Festivus!

We are leaving on Wednesday for our Holidays in France. Tomorrow will be a long day of packing, Baby Dr. visit, working, and cleaning. Why do we always clean BEFORE we go on vacation??

Anyways, I probably won't have a chance to write anything after that, so I wanted to wish you all a wonderful holiday, filled with your family, friends, and voices of those you love!

A Festivus for the Restuvus! See you next year!
Spoerhase OUT.

My kid NEVER misses a photo op WITH props!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Handmade Holidays

I think there is something so special about getting a handmade gift, especially if it's something that's cute & functional!

So for my friends and family that have recently had children, and are awaiting them...I decided to make some very useful burp cloths for the holidays!

Maybe you didn't find them so useful, but personally, I used burp cloths, cloth diapers, and any and all other pieces of fabric ALL THE TIME when Emma was first born!
It was so handy to have these cloths in my diaper bag for a myriad of situations.

So I took some leftover fabric that I had from making Emma a new duvet cover & pillow....oh, did I mention I made her that?

Here is the picture, don't mind the wrinkles, it's from severe overuse! Emma loves to put the blanket and pillow on the floor and have a "slumber party" with all her animals surrounding her. It's pretty darn cute.

So on with the burp cloths!

I used a piece of fabric, and then purchased simple terry towels in various colors to match. I cut each of the fabrics 18x8, then pinned them wrong sides together and sewed all around, leaving a hole wide enough to turn them.

Then I just topstitched around the perimeter, closing the hole and adding a nice decorative touch!

No, they aren't perfect. But they're pretty darn close to it! And after all, they're proper use is to wipe up various fluids that a baby produces! Who needs perfection?? Functionality reigns here!

And how cute do they look all tied together?
Perfect to be stuffed into a gift bag for the new, or expecting mother!

So, who is this set for????????
Happy Handmade Holidays!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Update from things here

I know, right?? Two posts in one day?? Yes, I'm like that...

Just a quick update for you all. I was out of commission for almost 2 weeks because I was in the Hospital with a kidney infection. Apparently they are quite normal during a pregnancy, although I have never had one before and haven't really heard from my friends about them (until afterwards, ouch, Deia!).

There was nothing "normal" about the amount of pain it caused me. The Dr. even told me that sometimes you just have to "get used to the pain" throughout pr
egnancy from these little "flare-ups". Um, excuse me? I couldn't take a breath without immeasurable pain, how could I push not one but TWO babies out like that?? Alas, the medicine worked and I am back home as of Friday.

It was so hard being in the Hospital because it meant SO MUCH more work for Christian. And being the good man he is, he brought Emma to visit me religiously every day. I'm so lucky and grateful to have such a hard-working, and loving husband. I don't take it for granted ever.

Of course, my "To Do" list compounded daily, and on Friday I came out of the gate running. Most of the things on my list still have to get done, but I did accomplish quite a bit!

I thought I would share with you some of our weather we have been having: White. Typically, I ride my bike to work everyday. I know, I know...6 months pregnant and riding a bike! Well, the snow has definitely put a kabosh on any more bike riding!

Although the snow is quite nice around this time of year, I'm still a Cali-girl at heart and would much rather be seeing some blue skies and palm trees and 80 degree weather! Ahhh, cold thing I will never learn to love!

Just to end this post on an extremely happy note: Perhaps some of you read my post from a few months back about my friend here who lost her 4 month old baby to SIDS. Well, we had brunch with her yesterday, and she is pregnant again! I am so happy for her. His would have been one year birthday just passed, and it was an extremely difficult time for her. Now knowing she was (and IS) pregnant just makes life feel like it has come full circle. Yeah!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I'm an Aunt!

Well, a similar story to me: Mari's due date (Dec. 2nd) came and went, and was finally induced on the 10th (Happy Birthday Crissi!). After several hours, it became clear that a C-Section was needed to nudge this baby into this world...and on December 11th, at 9p.m., the world welcomed:
Amaya Elizabeth King
9 lbs. 8 oz., 23" long

Congrats to the happy family!
Look at all that hair!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Knock, Knock!

So she did it.

She forced me to, I didn't want to.

But I had to.

I was forced to call Christian and say these words, "Do you know what your daughter just did?"

I think I have shared with you all the little karate kicker I have who likes to kick open *and shut* doors and yell, "Emma!". Well, she was practicing her craft, yet again last Friday - when she was home from pre-school sick - and began her usual routine in the bathroom. I played with her for a few minutes opening the door after she shut it, only to see and hear her slam it in my face followed with her adorable battlecry.

I ONLY WALKED AWAY FOR LIKE 2 MINUTES to fold some laundry between slams, when I just heard silence. As any mother knows, this is never a good sign. So I go to check on her when low-and-behold, I can't open the door. SHE LOCKED THE DOOR FROM THE INSIDE.

Oh, and this is one of those "blind locks" they call them. The kind that can ONLY BE OPENED FROM INSIDE.

So, again, I say: She made me do it. I made the call to Christian to have him come home because I had no clue what to do. I begged, and pleaded, and cajoled to no end. She was giggling up a storm in there. I knew she had taken in a juice box with her, so I could occasionally hear her take a sip - until she finished it and threw it in the trash and said, "Alle alle", which means "all done". Now I knew we were going to hit critical mass time. I also knew there was a candle burning in the bathroom - out of her reach - but still.

Christian tried everything when he came home. He begged, pleaded, and cajoled. Nothing. He tried to open the lock with different tools. He took the lock plate off, he took the handle of the door off. Nothing. It was basically a DEADBOLT lock, that could only be opened from her side. And although she locked it, in my heart I knew she would never figure out how to unlock it! Christian got out the hammer and tried to lift the door up a bit (although the hinges were on the inside), he was trying everything. The noise was what did it. She does not like loud noises that she doesn't know or see where they're coming from. She started to lose it.

That was the end, after that...that door was coming down. Christian began prying it open. The wood was falling fast. But not fast enough. She was wailing by now...poor Christian was working so furiously and trying to calm her at the same time. The frame was falling piece by piece. Again, this was a DEADBOLT!!! After about 3 minutes, and an extremely soar shoulder, he had broken through the door, and scoupped her up. She was huddled in the corner, which was good. It was so hard to try to break down the door - with the result of the door flying open - not knowing where she was in the room! We didn't want to knock her down too!

So now, here is what we are left with...

We definitely can't have visitors anytime soon, as the door doesn't shut in the moment.
Oh well, something for her baby book.

Another side note: this happened on the 19th, which was my Mother's Birthday. I was definitely a little sad on that day, and didn't really know how to memorialize her. I thought Emma's act of disobedience was the perfect way to celebrate my Mom. Because in the end, that's what children do when they're children. They make mistakes - and the parents still love them.

...and some blog about them!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Memories today...

Happy Birthday, Mom.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My First Rude "Twin" Comment

It was bound to happen.

People say the stupidest things, why should I be saved from the wrath of their stupidity in a supposed moment of joy for me?

I ran into my neighbor in the hallway of the apartment. She is a somewhat older woman (late 50's, early 60's) who likes to dress like she's 30 and always has different men over "helping" her with home repairs. Mmhmmm.

However, she's usually very pleasant to chat with and always has nice things for Emma and doesn't REALLY complain too much of the noise my little angel can make. Especially when she karate kicks the doors open and screams, "Emma!". Hilarious, note to self: catch this on video!

So, back to the comment... I had only been home a few days, so hadn't really seen her too much. So when she asked me how I was, I told her I was tired and then said, "you know I'm pregnant, right?". To which she replied, "Oh yes, I can SEE", as she points to my belly. Um, okay, that's not very polite, but I figure she's German and learned long ago to re-evaluate my politeness meter to include Germans.

THEN I said, "It's twins". I saw her face turn to horror, as if I had just said that I was giving birth to SAW IIV, and she said (NOW SWITCHING TO ENGLISH!), "How horrible, I am so sorry". It really took me off guard and I had to think how to respond to that. What SHOULD I say to that???? But she took the pressure off of me by continuing on her tyraid of words like, "horrible, awful, sorry, when are you moving??". I told Christian it was like a machine gun of word vomit being fired at me.

I was on my way to work, so I VERY POLITELY just said (IN GERMAN), that "well, we'll see how it turns out and that since Emma was such an easy baby I have high hopes for the twins, too". She looked at me like I was crazy, I looked at her like she was a witch. And I continued on my path.

Can you believe it??????? I swear, I felt like it was a strange episode of German television.

Do you know that the German version of America's Next Top Model (appropriately changed to GERMAN's NTM) is hosted by Heidi Klum here? Oh yes, and when it comes to the end where they tell the girls if they stay or go, over HALF of them are told they are leaving! Yes, half! They cry, they say their goodbyes, they begin their walk of shame out of the hall when Heidi says something stupid like, "Just kidding! Did you think we were really kicking you out?". Um, yes Heidi, she did. Because you TOLD her you were. It's like this awful sense of humor that purports to be reality makes you feel inferior. Ugh. Another German charm.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What a shitty post to write.

I need a break from looking for airline tickets from behind these sore eyes of mine.

My mom died.

I dont even have a recent pic to post of her.

Who knew a woman who caused me so much pain, would cause me even more pain in her death.

She was my mom.

She was a lover of words - especially when using them to argue her point.

She LOVED her cats, yes she was the perverbial crazy cat lady in her old age.

She was 67.

She loved John F. Kennedy, and the Yankees. How nice she saw them make it to the Playoffs.

She loved me and my brother, in the only way she was capable of.

She met my husband and daughter, and knew I was having twins.

She died alone in Las Vegas.

She served in the Peace Corps building and teaching in schools in Bombay, now Mumbai.

Part of me doesn´t even know why I am crying so much....the other part is just broken.

Carol Elizabeth Stockstill King - I hope you are in a far better place than this.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First day of Pre-School

So, the day has come that Emma Rey is going to school. *sniff sniff*

Okay, okay, its not so dramatic...she actually hasn´t spend more than an hour there yet. We have to do a Eingewohnungszeit which means an Adjustment Time. So we go there every day, for an hour, and then just start to leave the room she is in for increasing amounts of time so that she is adjusted to being alone there. I hate it. I find it counter productive to her actually ADJUSTING to being there. Oh, did I mention this goes on for 4 to 6 weeks?? Yeah, kill me. Oh well, in the end she will be there from 9-2, and then when the twins are here, from 9-5. That will be a nice relief.

But she is doing fabulously, and enjoys the other kids. Although they very nicely decided to share with her their colds and she has a nasty one, in the moment. But, I guess I can expect that...

Anyways, here is Emma Rey on her first day!

With Papa, and her favorite Baby Doll, Baby

In her Playroom

The sign says: The Children move Free willingly, haha.
Emma enjoying her "after school treat"!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Is your life exactly how you expected it to be? Is it a little? Did your expectations change as you rolled with life´s punches?? I am definitely feeling a bit of SOMETHING now, as I reflect on my life and where I am...both physically and literally.

Although I loved travelling to different countries...I never thought I would actually move to one to raise my family! It has been a fun-filled, and at times scary process. There are so many things that are different here from EVERYTHING I had come to know. I really have to remind myself sometimes that just because Germany doesn`t have a Target, doesn`t mean the end of the world. Yes, the weather sucks. But I got to spend 1 year at home PAID with my newborn baby! It would be unheard of in the U.S.

And now, my expectations are once again shattered. I thought it would be interesting to share this news here on the blog, and see how many people it reached BEFORE I sent out the email to my friends (but yes, family already mostly knows!). If you haven´t already guessed it, I am pregnant with baby number 2!!!

oh yeah, number 3 is chillin´in there too! Its TWINS.

Yes, I am scared shitless. Literally (and again physically!). I am sick as a dog, and barely can function in my duties as mommy (and pacifier!) to Emma for 7 hours before I have to go to work and be a somewhat strict mommy to these fools learning English! Its rough, and did I mention I am scared? We are alone...I never expected that, nor did I expect Twins.

But hey, I am putting serious stock in what I have said to my friends & family struggling with their individual problems my whole life: God would never give you something that you couldn´t handle. I either live by that, or I realize I am fake. And I´m not ready for that.

So, coming soon to Frankfurt...nowhere NEAR you....Baby Spoerhase´s!!
Wish us luck, and if you have tips on weaning...send them my way!!!

xoxo 4 eva.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Meine kleine Funny Face!

Its so funny sometimes the images you capture with your camera!

Emma makes such funny faces that I usually miss them within the few seconds that it takes the camera to click. However, the best times are when I am able to catch these crazy faces!

I thought I would share some with you.

Emma reading a text from her buddy Giosue!

She looks so confused about something.
But I really think she was just pooping!

Emma recently got a haircut (like her 8th!), and I finally saw a bit of me in her! Everyone always tells us that she doesn´t really look like either of us - mkthanks - but, with this new haircut, it reminded me of my good ol´hair days.

Here is a pic of me when I was 3, do you see it?? Deia, do you remember? You were sitting to my left!! Aren´t you jelly of my Raggedy Ann & Andy themed Birthday motif?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Intolerance vs. Stupidity

I may not be the first person to jump wholeheartedly into a Political Discussion. However, things have been happening here in France and I am not sure if the world outside of Europe knows about it.

In France, the Government has decided that they want to break up the Romanian camps (yes, literally camps where Romanian people group together to live-work). There is alot of prostitution going on within the camps and the Government has "had enough" of the Roma´s (shortened word for Romanian people), and want them to go back to their homeland.

Hmmm, sound familiar people??

The French Government has a displacement policy (read: when they force you back to where you came from, a little money to start you on your way again), where every adult receives 300 euros, and every child,100. They chartered a flight and took back about 100 Roma´s. Almost 75% of them interviews said they would be back in France within the week. One man said this was his 7th time making this trip! HOW CAN THAT BE, you ask?? Because legally, France cannot kick them out of France! They are apart of the European Union, which means they have every right to live and work anywhere between those borders! France just seems to be trying to take a shortcut from THE LAW and hoping that they will just peacefully leave on their own.

Now I dont have a problem breaking up these camps where they are all living together. Because there really is prostitution and child prostitution happening there. But the bigger picture is the intolerance for these nomadic people. In Europe, they are called Gypsies. We all know about Gypsies....well,we have seen them on the movies.

But let me tell you. Gypsies stay together, they do not mix with society, they are tight knit and dont want anything to do with immursion. They do, however, beg on the streets. They do send their children up to you to ask, instead of them, for some money. They do keep horribly malnurished animals (on purpose!) to tug at your heartstrings and attempt to get more money from you...these are all things that do not sound appealing...I get it. But to say that you want them TOTALLY out of your country because of that? I dont get it. And what I dont get is the lack of outpour from the European Community. It is barely a blip on the radar here.

Which leads me to SB1070. Otherwise, or more commonly known as, the Arizona Immigration Law. Let me just say...I am 100% in support of this law. I think the way Obama is handling the situation is appauling. Arizona is trying to deal with a major problem in a way that is OK for the Federal Government, but apparently not for the State.

The influx of illegals is DRAINING their resources! Why should they not be allowed to attempt to control this situation? In EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD...when asked to show your papers (passport or visa) by an must, immediately! If I am stopped by a Police Officer here in Frankfurt for WHATEVER, I am supposed to give him my passport. To prove that I am legally allowed to be here. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT?? Am I naive enough to think that there wont be an abuse of this law by some people? No. But with such scrutiny of it, I dont think there will be much. And I am willing to take on that small amount of "abuse" of the law if it will begin to secure our borders.

America needs to stop trying to solve every other country´s problems, and get on with working on their own. We are a melting pot....but our pot will just melt away under all this debt we are accruing through these losses.

OK, my rant is over. Sometimes I just think in America we spend so much time debating because WE CAN. But in reality, we should pick our battles wiser.

Intolerance and Stupidity ARE two seperate things!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to the Grind

In an effort to "get the most out of my vacations", I would always book the return THE DAY BEFORE I had to return to work...thinking that I would enjoy myself on the vacation so much and then plop myself back into work and be reminded of all the fabby memories I just made.

Uh-huh....its not that easy with a baby. We arrived home in the evening on Sunday, and I had to work Monday morning. To top it off THERE WAS NO CREAM OR MILK FOR MY COFFEE! That was true hell.

That being said, we had a really nice time in France. The weather was (mostly) good, and we enjoyed good food, celebrated Christian´s birthday with family, and had some nice finds at the Flea Markets. A few "typical" French dresses for Emma, and a Le Creuset Dutch Oven for 4 Euros for us! It was definitely the find of the year!

Emma learning to Boule, when in as the French!
Actually, she was learning how not to steal the IRON balls once the others threw them!

With the Family

This was how we bathed...when the weather was good!

How Marilyn-esque!!

Emma´s preferred method of transportation around the garden.
This is one of her French dresses from the FleaMarket. Super cute, I think!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Finally...a vacation!

It seems like a lifetime since we were away from Frankfurt. Although I know it was around January we returned from our 2 month holiday in the States, it definitely doesn´t feel like it...and the word itself "holiday" has definitely taken on a new meaning.

However, we are packing our bags again and headed to France! Its only for 8 days, and its with the In-laws, but I am sure that we will relax there a bit. I think we really need the break from this difficult routine we have been dumped into. And while the Grandparents (my father included!) have made it clear they DO NOT change diapers...they don´t mind to hold her or play with her. This, in itself, will be a break. I am excited about the prospect of *gasp* reading a book, and *double gasp* taking a nap during the day! Yes, this is how I will spend my vacation. Of course the good thing about France in the summer is all the wonderful Flea Markets in the countryside. The items they have are amazing, and so cheap! In Paris, the Flea markets are so well known (although, I never really found anything there soooo good, and it was all over-priced because of its notoriety), but in the countryside, its only the locals that go there...and us! So it will definitely be a highlight of the trip!

Of course I am still breastfeeding, so I can´t shake her for too long. I swear, she can pull my boob out of my shirt faster than I can unhook my bra!

So, I bid you a fond farewell....or as the natives say, Au Revoir!!
See you in mid-August with some photos of our vacation!

Monday, July 19, 2010

A fine way to waste a day

Despite the previuous posts about the horrible weather we were having, I can now report the sun is shining! And its shining at a rate of over 100 degrees each day! Its like we live on the sun its so hot...and then add the humidity...forgetaboutit. Mehh, I digress...

Luckily, we pay high enough taxes here (48%) that the State funds alot of activities for kids. This includes a 3 week long Kids Festival that happens every July along the Maine River here.

There is something for everyone of all ages.
Of course we stuck to the 0-3 year old offers.

We took turns forcing ourselves to go on this with her.
It made both of us sick, but she LOVED every minute.

As soon as she saw this, she jumped in.
Unfortunately, this was after Mama remembered she didn´t have extra clothes.

It is organized quite beautifully. It is ran by volunteers of all ages (although I think they are at least 17). There is face painting, obstacle courses, slides, carousels, the wading pool, and even an art center. Movie theaters donate their old movie posters and thats what the kids use to paint on. I think its really a genius move, and environmentally thoughtful! To top it all off, its FREE!!!

It truly is a great way to spend an afternoon with your little one, especially since all of our playgroups and gymnastic classes are on a Summer Break.

Of course there is bratwursts and beer, like any true german event. Danke!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


We lost.


The only good part about Germany not winning was that we didn´t have the celebrations of victory (horn honking, vuvuzelas, shouting), that normally happen after a win, to wake Emma as she slept.

Tut mir leid, Deutschland!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

World Cup Mania

Have you been watching?

So far it has been pretty lackluster aside from the drama filled Ghana vs. Uraguay game. I really thought Ghana would win. But all the red and yellow cards, and the final minute goals were still a treat to watch!

Alas, tonight is the half-finals with Germany and Spain. Germany has a really great team, as usual, but they definitely have a chance of taking this all the way. Whoever wins tonight will play Netherlands on Sunday in the Finale.

Emma has even learned to headbutt by watching so much fußball...just ask the bruises on Christian´s head!!

Here are the 2 big fans during the Germany-Argentina game. 4-0 BTW. justsayin.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer Weather

Hello my lovelies!

As I suffer through not having my laptop anymore, I am realizing that I may never retrieve these THOUSANDS of pictures every new parent makes in the beginning. I am heartbroken. My friend came over to look at it, and he said the hard drive is dead. Dead! How can a beautiful, little baby do that to a computer?? Emma´s new nickname is BAM BAM. Like on the Flinstones. ugh.

I thought I would show you a typical example of this crayz, summer weather we are having here these days. was about 55 degrees on Thursday!
Time for the winter hats, and of course don´t forget your bling!

Then came Friday...time to bust out the little mushroom pool she received as a gift on her birthday! Yippee for 75 degree weather! She doesn´t look happy here. But she was. She was sick the day after this photo was can see it here.

I´m sorry. Has back fat ever looked so cute???

Then came Saturday. While it wasn´t 55. It wasn´t 75, either.
Emma did her duty wtching over the backyard.

Anyways, its a small glimpse into our everchanging weather over here. I don´t think we are going to have a glorious, sunny summer. But these days of blue skies and over 65 degrees are what I am living for lately.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Technical Difficulties

Greetings from the rainy city of Frankfurt! Yes, rain in June. And probably in July, and so on, and so on...ugh, I hate the weather in Europe!

You have probably realized that I have been away from this little blog for a while - well, hopefully you noticed! After my Dads visit, we had a bout of sickness in the Spoerhase household, then Emma decided to play the drums on Mommys laptop and make it go away - FOREVER! Yes, my darling little girl broke my laptop. I will remember this come Christmastime, you can be sure of it!

I was also busy preparing some items to send to the U.S.! I have several friends expecting their own little bundles of joy, and I wanted to handmake some love for them...and as I have mentioned before, it seems to take me 3x as long to make something with Emma underfoot. Alas, the projects have (mostly) been completed and I am off to the post office today to mail said items! I am still working on a pillow & duvet cover for a friend of mine here. I would show you a picture of the cute Lucia (insert here), but I am working off of Christians laptop (and stupid, german keyboard!) and he doesnät have my pictures! Waaaaa! Anyways, I will show you a finished product once it is actually done so you can see what is happening over here in rainyland.

More later, auf Wiedersehen!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Just in case're wondering where I've been, my Dad is here. Emma is in heaven. And he is slowly, but surely tasting every Bratwurst known to man - one Brat at a time!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Well...Re-Fab!

I don't know about you, but I loves me some accent pillows! They can make a room fab to drab in seconds, and you can change them with the season. I use them throughout my house on the sofa, random chairs, benches, and bed. Even Christian knows where to put the "non-sleeping pillows" from the bed at night!

So it was only natural when it came time to pimp my balcony, I turned to my trusty, old friend, Mr. Pillow. Maybe you can recall my Fleamarket Finds post a few months ago, that is where I showed you the chairs and bench that were from the Fleamarket here in Frankfurt, insert first pimpable item!

I needed some cushions for the chair and bench that are out there, and wanted to use some old fabric from the curtains in our old apartment. We used the curtains in the kitchen to hide the beautiful dumpster our "apartment with a view" looked out on. Now we actually have something nice to look out at, and don't need them anymore!

Here's our old you see the curtains??

How about now?! My new Patio Cushions!

Project Details:

I'm all about Re-purposing things around the house to use in other ways. Example: a teapot for a vase of fresh flowers, turning old pots upside down to elevate shorter ones on the balcony, and old curtains for new pillows! I even made the cushiony inside from recyclable material.

So, just in case you're interested, here goes!

The circumference of my chair was 16 inches. So I turned the fabric wrong side out and measured a line 16 inches long, drawing points at the 1, 8, and 16 inch mark. I did this at various points in a circle, always keeping my 8 inch (mid-point) mark the same.

Then, I cut it out. You still with me?

Next, I sewed along the circumference, of course leaving a few inches open to turn it right side out.

These curtains actually had a lining, so it was a thick 4 layers I was sewing through - I went s.l.o.w. as you can imagine. Christian laughing at me all along because he says, "That's not how the Asian women on T.V. do it!". Um, zip it.

Then, I took some pinking shears and trimmed the excess fabric near to the edge. This helps your fabric not to fray in a way that could disrupt the original seam. Do you see see those fabric scraps there?? Those little beauties will be used in the next part...

I took all the scraps from cutting the two cushions out and shredded them into long strips. THESE, my friends, will be the inside, or the "cushion" part of my cushion! I priced cushions at about $5. No, that's not expensive...but I ALWAYS have these little bits left over from projects and don't have ANYTHING to do with them...well, this time I decided to use them for an actual purpose. I cut them into strips so they would lay more evenly and not "ball up" in one area. You could even use old t-shirts or other old clothing that is lying around.

It worked perfectly to create an layer of padding between the 4 layers of fabric. Not too padded, not too UN-padded. Is that a word?? You know what I mean! I don't need to sit on 5 inches of padding to be comfortable...this did the trick perfectly for me & my bootie! ;)

Here she is in all her glory! I think it's pretty darn cute, and will be making a matching bench cushion for Emma to match! The pimping's not over, because the weather is just NOW turning spring-like over here.

Stay tuned for more Re-Fab updates of our balcony!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Super Mommy's Day!

May your day be filled with the sounds of those you love!


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Karotten, Zweibel und Tomaten Aufstrich

WTF, right?

Well this is Emma's newest obsession - foodwise, I mean.

We discovered this "Carrot, Onion, and Tomato bread spread" at a Fair Christian had to work at. It was from a Kids Nutrition stand and they were giving samples of this out, and Emma gobbled up 2 pieces before I walked back to get the recipe. She even loves helping me prepare this, probably because she knows it's going to get in her belly quicker...GET IN MY BELLY!!

How many carrots do you need, Mom??


2 Carrots Shredded
1 small onion (about 1/3 cup) finely chopped
A little less than a stick of Butter, softened
2 nice sized Tablespoons of Tomato Paste
2 teaspoons of fresh herbs (I use chives and parsley because that's what I grow)
Salt & Pepper (Although I omit the Salt when I make this for Emma)

How to:

Bring the Tomato Paste & Butter to room temperature together, if they're not at the same temperature they won't mix well.

Dump in everything else.


Spread immediately on a piece of bread and munch! We use a brown bread that's called "Bauern Brot", or Farmers bread, I think it's the equivalent of a rye or wheat bread. It's delicious, healthy, and a great way for Emma (or YOU) to get a good serving of veggies! We even made this for her birthday party and used cookie cutters to cut them into elephant was a big hit.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just Because...

I started back to work last week, and it hasn't been the smoothest transition. It's hard to spend all day with her, only to have Christian come home for 5 minutes and me then run out the door until after 9:00 at night. Poor Emma doesn't understand what's happening, and Christian tells me she just says, "Mama" the whole time. Ugh.

Life can be difficult...but then she does these silly things that just lift my mood up to the sky!
Her latest move is to take a sip of water, and then S.L.O.W.L.Y lets it dribble out of her mouth. Once every last drop is out....she LAUGHS HERSELF SILLY! I loves you can tell.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Emma Rey - Wunderkind

April 11, 2009 - This was my original due date.
April 23, 2009 - Her arrival date.

They induced me, they broke my water, she still wouldn't budge. But then... 16 hours later, a C-Section scare, finding out there was meconium in the fluid, and a little nurse who jumped on top of me and tied a SHEET around me to SQUEEZE her out, the little girl popped out! Those 16 hours washed over me like water. It was an amazing feeling! A Parent was born.

Sidenote: Christian told me later that he thought she "looked like a female boxer who LOST the fight". Um, that's not the right thing to say to me - ever. Luckily, she's unsquished now and beyond a beauty.

This was Emma's first visit into the open world - Christian was so naturally overly cautious! It was adorable. She was a great baby, and even with the trials and trib's of her hip dysplasia she has excelled and gone on to WALK AT 11 MONTHS. We are beyond proud of her, and revel in her on a daily basis.

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Liebe Emma!! Mama und Papa lieben dich mehr und mehr jeden Tag. Wir wuenschen dir einen Schoenen Leben. Mmwaahh! XOXO

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The "Street legal" Bierbike

I hope that the word "Bierbike" doesn't need too much translation for you. - whoever YOU are!

This is one of THE COOLEST things I've seen since living here: a bicycle built for 16! It's actually built for 14 Cyclists, 1 Driver, and 1 Bartender keeping everyone's drinks full with the keg that's attached to it!

Normally, you'll see it with a bunch of guys as it's a typical Bachelor Party starter, but I have seen it with all girls, and of course, a pleasant mix of both! I love the idea, and how neat would it be to drive through our historic areas (like the one you're seeing), and then ONTO THE STREET and into traffic! I have no idea how this thing is allowed on the street, considering their all drinking beer! Well, let me rephrase, the Driver is technically allowed not to drink, but come on, this is we really believe that they're not going to drink?!? NEIN!

Sidenote: I was going to do this for Christian's last birthday, but the poor boy's birthday is in August when the whole damn Continent of Europe is on vacation, so I couldn't find 16 of us. Plus, you know, I have a kid and no one to babysit....meh, so there's that. Anyways, the next time you and 14 other people I know are in town, what do you say we hitch our keg pump to this ride??

If you'd like to read/see more about the Bierbike, you can click here.
Auf W.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Me Likey

Wow! I was so honored to find out my Garland project had been chosen to be featured on the fabulous Prudent Baby website. I seriously adore this blog. It's inspired many a project for me - and many a headache for my Mr. when I say, "Hmmm, what do you think about _________??".

Head on over here if you'd like to see the page!

Vielen Dank nochmals!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Frankfurt's own Eiffel Tower

Do you see the round, mirrored building with the antennae on it? That's where I went on today's adventure. I went to the Main Tower building today with Melanie & Felix - they're from my playgroup - very nice, but she's from southern Germany where they kinda talk funny withthewordsallsquishedtogether n' stuff, so it's always a challenge for my understanding and speaking of this wonderfully, complicated German language. Oh, and do you see this "demonstration" that's happening beneath the Euro sign?? It's because they want to abolish "Sales Quotas in Germany"!! So basically, employers shouldn't be able to require their Employees to have to "meet" a certain sales quota to stay employeed. Hahaha, OMG I was laughing as I took the picture and Melanie looked at me like I was an absolute lunatic until I explained to her that that's what people LIVED OFF OF at my old job at Longo!!! HiLARious.

How cute does my little girl look? I swear, it was the struggle against good and evil to force her to keep the hat on!! Yeah, mommy won! Tenacious E has got nothing on me! She's walking so well now, and walks better than the 4 month older boy we were there with. I know, I know, we shouldn't compare kids - but whatevers, I do - sue me! My little girl rocked that Observation Deck with her Sun Hat and tiny, silver shoes!

Here's Felix! He's a cutie, the boy has got 12 teeth and can eat a sandwich faster than I can! He's a sweet boy, and last week when we met we were approached by a camera crew at the playground asking permission to film the kids for a local new report. If I can get a link to it, I'll post it here to share with ya!

Well hello there! Greetings from the Main Tower! FYI - you see that haze in the air?? Nope, it's not smog, it's clean air over here....that's from the Volcano that erupted in Iceland! It's grounded the majority of flights across Europe - including our very own Frankfurt Airport - and it's left this haze over the city, and a strange smell...ewwww...meh, I guess anything's better than smog, though!

Alright, kids! Get your last playtime on - we're headed home!
p.s. Do you see a difference in how the kids are dressed??
Felix = Ready for a snowstorm, Emma = Sun n' Fun!!! Am I a bad mommy???

Wie immer, ich wuensche Euch ein schoenen Tag! Tschuess!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Germans ARE superior - in some things...

I don't know what amazes me more, how some people are so coordinated - or how I'm so clutzy. This afternoon I was running some errands with Emma in tow, and usually I trip over cracks in the concrete while walking so it's always good that I've got the stroller in front of me because it breaks my fall a bit.

When what do I spy with my little eye?? This insanely looking picturesque woman riding by me on a bicycle -- fast, I might say -- HOLDING AN UMBRELLA IN ONE HAND. Um, oh yeah...did I mention it was raining? As usual in Frankfurt, the grey clouds of doom were above us, and the pee pee of the Gods were coming down. I stopped in amazement that this woman was able to ride her bike so fast, while holding the umbrella, and looking FLAWLESS doing so. I guess she's had so much practice doing it as there's always bad weather here. Unlike us Los Angelenos that crash into every object within a 20 foot radius of our pathway when the rain comes twice a year!

Next time, I'll try to capture a picture of these Amazing Germans!

p.s. I am working on a new retrospective piece entitled:
Germans Airing their Dirty Laundry -- stay tuned!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Bedhead Retrospective

My little baby has ALWAYS sported bedhead after her naps or long slumbers...amazingly enough, it's a trait acquired from her father! He's bald, you say?? Yes, BUT he can get a little "switzig" in bed. Maybe if he didn't curl up around the down comforter in summer!!

What's "switzig"? Sweaty.And this is a trait that Emma has definitely acquired. Therefore making her mounds of baby hair susceptible to being a bit - oh, shall we say messy?? Here's my little baby after some of her bedtimes...ahh, good times!