Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Graduation Day!

So the kiddos have finally graduated to eating something other than milk!

We started with Avocado, same as Emma, and I noticed again the trend of Romy being more like Emma...she did really well with the avocado, even manhandling her own spoon; while Henry was pretty lackluster about the whole shibang.

We have since moved on to rice cereal, and Carrots & Fenchel. Same old story: Henry's not really a good eater while Romy will basically try anything. Hopefully Henry stops being so picky!! ...or Mama finds a food that he actually LIKES. Either way, it's a nice step towards independence!

"Go on, Henry! Try it!!" - Big Sister Emma

I think this is sign language for, "Bleeeeeeeekkkk!"

Monday, September 5, 2011

SMILE! Picture Day!

We finally got around to having some "professional" (read: not by US) photos of Emma & the babies taken.

So we went to the park with Emma, the babies, Papa...and a dirndl (typical Southern German dress, typically worn at Oktoberfest). However, Emma decided her favorite outfit was her birthday suit and promptly stripped down to play in the fountain. It was super warm that day, so it was OK.

I'm so excited for the pics, and happy to have the moments of my sweet Emma immortalized on film. Olga kept asking me, "Is she always this happy?". I was proud to say, YES!

Emma always on the run!
Olga had to work that day.

Photoshooting over.
Dirndl & Vans...that's my kid.