Friday, April 13, 2012

1 Year Old...We Made It!

Of course this is coming to you a bit late, but it was truly hectic around here lately with the Birthday Party, Easter with guests, Christian's Aunt visiting from Texas.

My babies aren't babies anymore (well, according to Dr. Spock, Dr. Sears, and any other prominent Child Development Doctor!) They are ONE YEAR OLD!!

We celebrated on their birthday, April 7th, here at home with a select few of people who had done small and big things for us during the most difficult year of our lives. I said that I was happy to be out of that year, happy to still be married, and happy to still overall be HAPPY. Times were rough, self-esteem was for the birds, it was survival in the most basic mode...but we survived.

There are pics from the party, but I'm deciding to post these. I have these from all my kids now to celebrate THEIR accomplishments and personalities at their one year anniversary.

Enjoy meeting Henry & Romy!