Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Is your life exactly how you expected it to be? Is it a little? Did your expectations change as you rolled with life´s punches?? I am definitely feeling a bit of SOMETHING now, as I reflect on my life and where I am...both physically and literally.

Although I loved travelling to different countries...I never thought I would actually move to one to raise my family! It has been a fun-filled, and at times scary process. There are so many things that are different here from EVERYTHING I had come to know. I really have to remind myself sometimes that just because Germany doesn`t have a Target, doesn`t mean the end of the world. Yes, the weather sucks. But I got to spend 1 year at home PAID with my newborn baby! It would be unheard of in the U.S.

And now, my expectations are once again shattered. I thought it would be interesting to share this news here on the blog, and see how many people it reached BEFORE I sent out the email to my friends (but yes, family already mostly knows!). If you haven´t already guessed it, I am pregnant with baby number 2!!!

oh yeah, number 3 is chillin´in there too! Its TWINS.

Yes, I am scared shitless. Literally (and again physically!). I am sick as a dog, and barely can function in my duties as mommy (and pacifier!) to Emma for 7 hours before I have to go to work and be a somewhat strict mommy to these fools learning English! Its rough, and did I mention I am scared? We are alone...I never expected that, nor did I expect Twins.

But hey, I am putting serious stock in what I have said to my friends & family struggling with their individual problems my whole life: God would never give you something that you couldn´t handle. I either live by that, or I realize I am fake. And I´m not ready for that.

So, coming soon to Frankfurt...nowhere NEAR you....Baby Spoerhase´s!!
Wish us luck, and if you have tips on weaning...send them my way!!!

xoxo 4 eva.


  1. I love you! I believe in you and know you can make it through this. You are one of the strongest women I know and when I faulter in confidence, i think of you. My heart is always with you and I know it would be easier if a few of us were there, but since all you have is our spirit, lean on that. We will skype again soon Lovely!

    All my love to the five of you!!!

    I have the chills ALL OVER MY BODY!!
    Jenna, that's AH-MAZING!
    I know it must be overwhelming, but I'm sooo happy for you habibi!
    I love you!
    Call me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
