Friday, September 10, 2010

Meine kleine Funny Face!

Its so funny sometimes the images you capture with your camera!

Emma makes such funny faces that I usually miss them within the few seconds that it takes the camera to click. However, the best times are when I am able to catch these crazy faces!

I thought I would share some with you.

Emma reading a text from her buddy Giosue!

She looks so confused about something.
But I really think she was just pooping!

Emma recently got a haircut (like her 8th!), and I finally saw a bit of me in her! Everyone always tells us that she doesn´t really look like either of us - mkthanks - but, with this new haircut, it reminded me of my good ol´hair days.

Here is a pic of me when I was 3, do you see it?? Deia, do you remember? You were sitting to my left!! Aren´t you jelly of my Raggedy Ann & Andy themed Birthday motif?


  1. So so so Sooooo freakin cute!
    Oh, and Emms isn't so bad herself ;)
    Love you guys!

  2. L-O-V-E that picture...I recognized it right away!!! :) Ahhh to be back in the time of 'all things Raggedy Ann & Andy'. So cool.
    Love ya!
