Friday, December 17, 2010

Handmade Holidays

I think there is something so special about getting a handmade gift, especially if it's something that's cute & functional!

So for my friends and family that have recently had children, and are awaiting them...I decided to make some very useful burp cloths for the holidays!

Maybe you didn't find them so useful, but personally, I used burp cloths, cloth diapers, and any and all other pieces of fabric ALL THE TIME when Emma was first born!
It was so handy to have these cloths in my diaper bag for a myriad of situations.

So I took some leftover fabric that I had from making Emma a new duvet cover & pillow....oh, did I mention I made her that?

Here is the picture, don't mind the wrinkles, it's from severe overuse! Emma loves to put the blanket and pillow on the floor and have a "slumber party" with all her animals surrounding her. It's pretty darn cute.

So on with the burp cloths!

I used a piece of fabric, and then purchased simple terry towels in various colors to match. I cut each of the fabrics 18x8, then pinned them wrong sides together and sewed all around, leaving a hole wide enough to turn them.

Then I just topstitched around the perimeter, closing the hole and adding a nice decorative touch!

No, they aren't perfect. But they're pretty darn close to it! And after all, they're proper use is to wipe up various fluids that a baby produces! Who needs perfection?? Functionality reigns here!

And how cute do they look all tied together?
Perfect to be stuffed into a gift bag for the new, or expecting mother!

So, who is this set for????????
Happy Handmade Holidays!!

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