Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One Month Old!

Posting this is actually a little late, they turned one month on May 7th...but I just have too much s&%t to do everyday! The pictures WERE taken on their actual month-day, just not sent or posted until now! :)

Romy: 8.5 pounds and grew another inch! She is as independant as a newborn can be, has a stubborn streak just like Emma, and makes the most adorable "cooing" noises out of nowhere!
Henry: 10.5 pounds, still a slow eater but wants the food the MOMENT he opens his eyes from sleeping! He works himself up for a cry for about a half minute...it's hilarious, I have to catch it on film. Very much a needy baby, likes to be held ALL.THE.TIME! It's really tasking on my back because somedays I'll have to wear him almost the whole day just to get things done without him crying/whining. This is my first boy, so I'm not sure if they're all like that (only because I see so many similarities between Emma & Romy), but he's very much the "baby" of the bunch. Good luck, lazy boy!

They sleep OK right now (for newborns, good I guess!). They wake in the night every 4 hours to eat. If one wakes, we wake the other up to keep them on the same schedule. They obviously eat ok, and they both have tried to roll over - unsuccessfully of course. During the day, it totally varies. Somedays they'll sleep, otherdays they'll just fuss and I have to be out for hours walking them. :(

It's really hard right now because I pump almost 7-8 times a day, and it makes it difficult when they're being fussy to get it done. Sometimes they have to get formula because I was unable to pump, or unable to pump enough for 2. But they're mostly about 90% breastmilk fed babies, which gives me a sense of accomplishment. My long term goal would be 6 months because I just don't think I WANT to go longer. It's so tasking to pump, and really takes away from my enjoyment with them and Emma. Short term goal is 3 months...we'll see which one I get to first!

Emma is AMAZING with them, and I couldn't be more proud of her. I hope it continues and I can get her to change diapers soon! Woo hoo, this kid thing would REALLY pay off then!

Everybody was KUNG-FU fighting!!!

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