Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hello Andes Mint Ice Cream

*insert Jerry McGuire line here:  "You had me at, Hello!"  

Yes, I'm corny, but I'm also dark chocolatey and minty to boot!

You should all know by now that my lovely husband, to whom I just celebrated my 5th Wedding Anniversiary with and received a stunning vintage, diamond ring from, gave me an ice cream machine for my birthday a few years ago.  I had been at him forever that I wanted to make ice cream, hmmm, actually it was always after we summered in France (don't hate!) and I ate the deliciously delicate Rose Ice Cream for sale in their local parlor.

No, I have never made the Rose Ice Cream - too hard to find Rose oil!!

But I have made *knockoff* Andes Mint Chocolate Ice Cream, and it was DELISH!

WHAT?  Pictures, you say?  Yeah right...I should've grabbed my phone, but I just wasn't fast enough before it was all gone.

It was THAT good.

Try some and find out!

Easy Peasy Ice Cream Recipe for any base of Flavor:

1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk
250 ml Milk - yes, I'm metric now.  Get over it.

That's it!!  I ended up just crushing up some knockoff Andes Mints and added them when the machine had finished churning and let it set up and then immediately gobbled up.

It was delicious, and I highly recommend trying it!

Oh, what's that?  My cooking skillz ain't enough??
Well thencheck out my beautiful, talented, crack-a-knee hilarious bestie, Lara on her blog: Love, Cook, Eat & Repeat for some extra special recipes that are sure to make you reschedule your day to cook!

1 comment:

  1. i'm a sniffling fool over here...
    that was the nicest intro i've ever had ;p
    thanks jenna... i love you.
    and incidentally would love to try that delicious ice cream.
    my belly is definitely jelly.
    and i am hating on the 'summers in france.'
    f u.
