Friday, January 7, 2011

Homemade Deliciousness

Perhaps one of the biggest adjustments since moving to Germany, has been the loss of some of my everyday products that were only a store (practically ANY store) away from me. Here, I sometimes have to go to 3 different stores to purchase things that I could've gotten under all one roof back in L.A. It's mega frustrating - as you can imagine!

An example of some of these products: Vanilla Extract, Brown Sugar, Food Coloring, Flavored Coffee Creamer. Are you noticing a pattern?? Mostly they are cooking products. I have my problems finding non-food products too, but the majority of my frustration is based in these types of items.

So imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon this lovely gem of information on the interwebz on a website I frequent often: Tasty Kitchen. It's a massive collection of "Homemade Ingredients".

Things like, "How to make your own Vanilla Extract", who knew it was made like that?? And "How to make your own Coffee Creamer" in this flavor, and this flavor...YUM!

So although I can't just pop over to Ralph's, or Trader Joe's, or Target to make these quick, and convenient purchases. I can now at least head to my kitchen (which is much closer than the aforementioned stores!) and whip up some of my own concoctions! LOVES IT!

Of course, I have also been lucky enough to have lovely friends who have sent me care packages of these beloved items that I am truly jonesing to you, a big VIELEN DANK!!

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