Friday, March 30, 2012


While we don't have Halloween here in Germany, we do have a time for the kids to dress up - and eat sweet things!

Karneval, or "Fasching" as it's known here in Germany follows the same Carnival dates as in Rio, or Mardi Gras in Louisianna. February 20-22. (Yes, this post is late, I know already!)

Street parades, candy thrown from floats, kids (and adults) dressed up in costume - although it's a pleasant break from seeing all the adults in "sexy nurse" or "sexy firewoman", or "sexy everything"! Also being thrown from the floats are tiny bottles of Schnapps! Fun for all! The last Fasching's Parade I went to had paper mache of Obama & Merkel duking it out! Hilarious!

They celebrate it at the pre-schools here with the kids dressing up and doing fun foods for the day.

So, with all my free time I have I wanted to make Emma her own costume. I found a beautiful one here from Prudent Baby that looked amazingly fun for my little girl.

So off I went - with all my free time (can you hear me choking those words out?)...
And the result was...hmmm, I think the pictures say it better than me:

I definitely faced some resistance putting it initially on her,
but I thought, "Oh, she'll see the other kids in costumes and BECOME ok with it".

STILL hoping for the reluctance to leave us...

Emma's best friend, Lili trying also to convince her of the fun to be had in costume!
Thanks, Ladybug Lili!

"I don't care what you say, this SUCKS!"
My kid? Um, yeah.
She desperately was trying to pull off/rip off anything she could. The white bird front part got pushed up over her belly in her attack of resistance.

Lesson #1 Learned: I brought you into this world, and I can take you out of it.
Thank you, Bill Cosby...truer words have never been spoken.

Lesson #2 Learned: Buying off the rack never hurt NOBODY.
Hello sexy bird costume next year...

In a horrible p.s. to this, all the Teachers told me what a great "penguin" she was!

1 comment:

  1. Well I think it looks FABULOUS! Heaploads of kudos to you!!! I love the pics, too :)
