Thursday, March 15, 2012

We've got a walker!

I'm shocked because I really thought Romy would walk first, and Henry would talk first...but to my amazement Henry started walking at 10 months 13 days. Pretty exact to Emma's first steps, too!

Of course I'm late in posting this (big shocker, eh?), and I'm not able to post the proper video, but I just wanted to share the news.

Romy still doesn't even stand alone really, and is perfectly content being carried around in someone's arms or crawling and inching along the walls to her final destination.

I can't believe they will be one year old soon. I would love to say the time flew...

1 comment:

  1. one day when they're older and off doing their own thing and not so reliant on you anymore, i promise you will hear yourself saying..
    'gosh, time really did fly by. my babies are not babies anymore!'

    love you jenn!!
    happy birthday to youuuuuuuuu!!!
