Friday, February 25, 2011

Under Construction

Sorry for the MIA of posts lately. We are currently in the process of switching our bedroom to the former living room/dining room, since we will be housing two new people in our room very shortly and needed more space.

Ugh, I hate chaos. And that's exactly what I've been living in lately. It makes my brain itch.

We just got rid of our old couch, and have a new one that's a little more kid-friendly (leather). But we still have yet to get Emma's new closet, and move her old drawers into our "new" room. Bring the old crib and rocking chair into our room, move the 2 closets our of our "old" room and into the new one. Swap Emma's clothes into her new closet, wash and pack the Twins clothes into the drawers. Oh, and bring the changing table up from the basement and into our room. And of course I need to add some FLAIR to this all.

It's truly impossible. Even more so because after sitting at this computer for 10 minutes I'm EXHAUSTED! Carrying this belly weight is truly tiring. And I finally admitted to Christian that riding the bicycle (yes, I still do it) is now starting to become a bit difficult. I can't properly pump my legs because my LOWER belly gets in the way. Womp womp. :(

Did I mention my In-Law's are here? Well, only MIL right now. But we had both for a few days, and then FIL went to Mexico City for 2 weeks. He's back on Monday.

Oh, and don't ask for a photo of me. My husband has yet to take ONE picture of me despite my multiple pleas. I've tried taking them in the mirror, but the flash F's it up every time.

I wake up about 7-8 times a night to pee. Every position is awkward and uncomfortable. I can't take deep breaths because there's no room for my lungs to expand. Yes, I'm at the end. Both physically and mentally.

So that's where I am right now.
Under Construction.
In every sense of the word.

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