Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I love L.A.

The snow is back. Which means I'm off the bicycle again...yes, I'm still riding my bicycle to work. 8 months pregnant and rollin' folks!! Maybe once the snow is gone I'll have to post a video of that, hmmm?

So because I'm longing for the winter days of 75 degrees...I thought I would "Cali Up" my house.

I made this little pillow in about 3 hours on Sunday. It was a fun project for me, and about 3 hours cutting fabric, hand-stitching felt, and behind a sewing machine is about all I can stand at the moment.

I think it came out pretty cute! The fun fabric, and heart over L.A. says it all far better than I can!
I LOVE L.A.! (cue song here).

Printed out a map of California,
then traced that onto cardboard
making it easier to trace onto a thick piece of felt
- leftover from another project

Hand-stitched the red heart (over L.A.),
then the Cali map onto the fabric

Finished product!
Fits perfectly into our hallway, beneath my "Wall of Fame"


  1. Wow! I couldn't climb my stairs in my 8th month and you're bike riding?!?!? You are amazing! I can't wait for the video...or at the least a picture!
    That pillow is awesome! You're so crafty! :)

  2. I love the pillow! Very unique and stylish just like you :)
    I agree... please post a video of riding your bike. But have someone else video tape it and be careful!
