Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Do you Quinoa?

I was introduced to quinoa when I was looking to up my protein take when I became pregnant. It's a wonderful source of highly-digestible protein that goes great with yummy veggies...just my style! When it came time for Emma to eat I thought, why not let her enjoy it too?! I've even made this meal for other people/babies for our lunch playdates...and it was also a hit with them! So here is a rundown of one of our favorite meals we enjoy eating together, just in case you're looking to "up" your and your kid's protein!

The Players:
Equal parts: Quinoa, Water, Low-Sodium Chicken/Vegetable Stock (I use 1 cup of each)
Place it in a pot with the lid on for about 15 minutes bubbling/simmering - or until all liquid is absorbed and you're ready to go!
While the grain is cooking, you can saute up a myriad of veggies to go in this dish. These are the ones I use: little garlic, onion, zucchini, roasted tomatoes. I have also been known to use mushrooms and frozen peas, and even sliced up chicken breast - because Emma lubbs it. (The frozen peas I place into the bubbling pot of quinoa at about 5 minutes of cooktime remaining).

Once the quinoa is ready, combine all ingredients. Here's my extra secret for a big of *zing*, I add a couple of squirts of Cholulo spicy sauce...the one with the wooden top! Cholulo has a lemon base, so it adds a nice little freshness & spice to the overall dish; and you can add as much, or as little as you want!
**When I make this for Emma and I, I do not add salt until I have portioned out some for her. Then I add salt & pepper to taste.

Enjoy and healthy eating!

1 comment:

  1. My mom introduced me to it a couple of years ago...LOVE IT! It's pretty good cooked with raisins, too. I've never tried it with cholula, but I love the stuff...good idea!
