Monday, March 22, 2010

She's Crafty

I was recently reading one of my favorite blogs, Prudent Baby, when she debuted a fabulous DIY project for a Crocheted Pendant Garland. I loved the idea and immediately grabbed my nearest crocheting needle to begin. I needed less than 5 minutes to discover I hated my results.

Crochet Pendant Garland = Failed. My brain wasn't ready to give up on this cheery idea, so I immediately started thinking about how else I could make this. 2 days later I finished what I thought was a damn good variation of the original. **It took 2 days because of this little foot demon who likes to press on the pedal when the sewing machine is out...or enjoys sticking her little fingers as FAR into electricity extension holes as she can to make mommy scream. Finally I asked Christian to take her on a walk so I could finish the last bit. Voila!

DIY 411:
I hand drew my own triangle pattern, cut material that I had from leftover projects, sewed around the perimeter, leaving the top edges open by backstiching at either side. Then turned them right side out and ironed the opening edges (the ones I didn't sew) so that it would make the perfect "pendant". I even paid homage to Prudent Baby by crocheting the line that held them all together! It was that simple!

Auf W.


  1. I'm sorry but last I checked, your Teta doesn't live with you to help with these amazing projects... or does she?? hmmmm...
    It's on Bizzy, Oh it's on.
    (Except for the fact that I can't crochet... sheeeeet.)
    Love it Jenna. You're so talented!
    Love you and the new blog!
