Thursday, March 10, 2011

Baby & Apartment Updates

First, the babies:
We went to the Hospital yesterday to pre-register and to have another ultrasound/CTG. Speaking honestly, I don't really like this hospital. It's a University Hospital which means there are tons of Med Students who do the work and "confirm" with their Head Dr. their diagnosis. Um, can't I just have a REAL Dr.?? I stayed at this Hospital when I had the kidney infection and just didn't have the best feeling.


Supposedly this is the best hospital for Twin Delivery with both babies NOT being head down. As usual, my little girl is all ready for delivery, head down and awaiting the day. Mr. Bullheaded is laying transverse (sideways) at the top of my stomach.

Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely do not want a C-Section. I'm not scared about the surgery, it's the recovery and caring for twins and a toddler meanwhile that scares me. I've heard it's painful to even sit up in bed, how could I be able to do ANYTHING for newborns if that is a pain??

My midwife (who is paid for by the insurance here - Yeah Social Medicine!), and all Dr.'s have assured me that a natural birth is still possible even with a transverse baby. Especially because the girl is lying head down, there will be plenty of room for him to move once she's out. My worst fear is delivering her naturally, and then having to have a C-Section with him.

So yesterday, I asked again about this at the Hospital. After the Dr. answered, Christian had to tell me to close my mouth. Seriously. I have NEVER heard of anything like this before:
She told me the same (about after the girl, the boy has more room to move), and that they will try tricks to move him head down if he doesn't automatically go. But that in the end, they can always REACH UP INTO ME AND PULL HIM OUT FEET FIRST. (insert jaw dropping moment here). Have you ever heard of this? I'm looking on the internet and don't see any information about this. I'm wondering if this is a cruel, German trick. YOU NEVER KNOW!

So, as I enter week 36: waking 8-9 times a night, having to sit arms length away from tables because of my belly, FINDING MY FIRST STRETCH MARKS, having heartburn, unable to walk or stand comfortably, now I have this to think about. Lord, help me...

Now onto the apartment: We had some friends over for brunch last weekend and afterwords had a moving party. We are now 90% complete and ready for the twins. The apartment still isn't decorated to how I totally like it, but I just don't have the strength to do that now.

PLUS, I told you that we were going to look at an apartment...well, the apartment was nicer than we thought. HUGE, bright rooms, overlooking the Maine River and the Frankfurt Skyline with beautiful old churches and skyscrapers - such a great dichotomy! Of course there are still negative points: it's louder over there, underneath us would be an Ethiopian Restaurants (so it's back to the city way like our first apartment where there are retail shops on the ground level), it's on the 4th floor with no elevator, AND there are 3 college PARTYING students above that party until 5:30 quite often. It was nice of the lady to be honest and tell us that, she says that she has had several conversations with them and that they have started to become quieter - or at least notify them when they're planning a party! But that they are an inconvenience when you have small children. And of course we would lose our backyard garden which is a MIRACLE to have here in Frankfurt. I was just getting excited thinking about Emma on a slip and slide this summer, to think that we wouldn't be able to do that would be really sad...

So, again we are torn. There are so many changes happening that I just need to focus on getting these babies out first.

That's all, folks! Hope you enjoyed my catch-up...any advice on the birth or apartments would be much appreciated!!

1 comment:

  1. The birth thing is normal. I am assuming he is referring to a breech delivery of the 2nd baby if he doesn't move to head down. In the US this is really the only reason people do breech deliveries anymore (1st baby head down, 2nd baby breech). The thought is that the first baby makes enough room for the 2nd to come out feet first. I think I remember this happening to Julia with her twins ( She was fine, likely you will be too!! And they will probably be able to direct the baby head down anyway. Good luck!
