Friday, March 25, 2011

The light at the end of the tunnel

Perhaps this is REALLY it...

Yesterday I was at the hospital for a regular ultrasound/CTG and today I was at my Doctor's office and later my Midwife came over. Everyone seems to really feel THIS should be THE weekend!

I am 2cm dilated and the girl is pushing down good. Even the bad boy cooperated a bit and is now head down! Which takes away alot of anxiety for me from this "reach up and pull him out" method they told me they would use.

My Midwife gave me a cervical massage with clove oil, which is just about as unpleasant as it sounds. Imagine how clove oil smells, now imagine getting it in your eye or some other "sensitive" spot...then imagine a gloved "massage". Um, yeah. It was that good. I've definitely learned not to use the word "pain", or "hurt" out of context anymore since Emma's lovely birth; however this came damn close to those words, but I just considered it preparation for the (hopefully) impending delivery.

In other news...

My Brest Friend Twin Nursing Pillow

... my new breast-feeding pillow arrived!! It looks like a beast...but I think I will need some oommph with this process, so let's hope it helps!

Wish me luck, everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. GOOD LUCK MY LOVE!! I love that you're keeping me updated every step of the way. I'm thinking a lot about you lately and am praying for a safe and speedy delivery for you and the beautiful babies.
    LOVE YOU!!!
